Why You NEED a Guitar Practice Routine

If you don’t practice something, you’re not gonna get better at it.

For example, I don’t practice juggling. I haven’t gotten any better at juggling.

I don’t practice one-handed push-ups. I haven’t gotten any better at one-handed push-ups.

I have been practicing guitar, though, and over the years, I think I’ve gotten pretty good.

I like to break my practice routine into categories, and this is how I recommend any guitarist, no matter the genre or style they play, construct their practice routine. I’ll use specific examples of how guitar players move through my guitar lesson platform, Guitar Super System, which you can sign up for here.

My point is, nothing happens without a little hard work, and take it from me when I say there’s nothing more satisfying than accomplishing a goal, whether that’s to finally nail that solo you’ve been listening to for years, crush that sweep picking technique you’ve always thought was impossible, or sit down and be able to read any piece of music in the world.